
Trip Stopper | Magic Mushrooms Bad trip Stopper

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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4 Valerian capsules 2 Dextro tablets


How to use the bad trip stopper? When you start to feel anxious during a trip:

  • Take the 2 dextro tabs and let them disolve in your mouth slowly.
  • Take the 4 Valerian capsules with a large glass of water.
  • After try to eat something

Trip Stopper | Magic Mushrooms Bad trip Stopper

It is always good to have this Mushroom trip Stopper close when tripping on magic mushrooms. Just take the contents of this package in case of a bad trip. The valerian makes you relax and dextrose sugar helps to neutralize the effects of magic mushrooms. Trip stopper, just in case. Feel safe, Trip safe

Trip stopper helps to minimize the effects of your trip. The valerian helps you to relax and the dextrose suger tabs can neutralize the effects of the mushrooms.



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